Dátheangachas / Bilingualism

Tuigimid go mbíonn ceisteanna ag tuistí bainteach le conas go n-éireoidh lena bpáiste sa suíomh Ghaelscoile. Mar sin, tá an leathanach seo curtha le chéile againn! 

We know parents often have questions about how their child will get on in a Gaelscoil. To help answer some of those questions, we've put this page together! 

Raising a child bilingually - 5 myths debunked

What are the benefits of enrolling in a Gaelscoil?

Irish and international research indicate that children who experience immersion education become more creative thinkers, with better memory, attention, and concentration. They also develop more effective listening & communication skills, being better able to express themselves and understand others. 

The skills learned for one language can be transferred easily to other languages, and they develop a deeper understanding of the foundations of language such as grammar, word formation, and sentence structure. Pupils in Gaelscoileanna also perform above the national average in maths. Being bilingual can even delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

Ná ghlac lenár bhfocal amháin maidir le tumoideachas! Seo doiciméad a leagann amach na buntáistí bunaithe ar thaighde - is fiú breathnú tríd...

Don't just take our word for it! This document outlines the advantages of immersion education, based on research - it's worth having a look through...

Immersion Education - Research.pdf
Tumoideachas - Taighde.pdf

Tá suíomh de chuid an AE anseo le go leor áiseanna agus smaointí!.. 

This is an EU website with plenty of resources and ideas about second-language learning...

Does immersion education mean pupils are slower to pick up English reading/writing when it is introduced?

Quite the opposite; Immersion education helps rather than hinders children in learning languages, including English. Research has proven that children in Irish-medium primary schools are well above the national average for reading in English. Children whose home language is not Irish or English also benefit from immersion education and it helps their fluency in English. 

I spent 14 years in school and came out without a word of Irish; how will I be able to help my child if they’re in a Gaelscoil? 

You can do loads to encourage your child to become fluent in Irish without being able to speak the language yourself! The majority of children in Irish-medium schools do not have Irish as one of their home languages. 

The best way to help your child when they start in school is to show them that you are excited and positive about them going to school and becoming fluent in Irish. Letting your child know that you are proud of them, that you’re interested in what they’re doing in school and that you’re excited to learn along with them will be a big help to them. If you can, learn some Irish yourself to show them how interested you are.