Iontráil / Admissions
Tá áthas orainn go bhfuil tú ag smaoineamh ar do pháiste a ionrollú inár scoil! Tá clárú don scoilbhliain 2025-26 dúnta anois, ach glacfaimid le hiarratais déanacha! Tá tuilleadh eolais ar an suíomh seo, agus más mian libh bualadh isteach ní gá ach coinne a dhéanamh!
We are delighted that you're considering enrolling your child in our school! Registration for the 2025-26 school year is now closed, but we will accept late applications! There's lots of information about our school - as well as education through Irish - on this site, and if you would like to come for a visit, just get in touch to make an appointment!
An-chuid den am, bíonn tuistí buartha faoi ionrollú i nGaelscoil, agus go leor ceisteanna acu faoi! Tá leathanach cruthaithe againn a chabhróidh leat freagraí a fháil ar na ceisteanna sin!
Parents often have questions about enrolling in a Gaelscoil, so we've created a page that should help answer your queries - click the below FAQ link!
Tá an polasaí agus an fógra iontrála thíos
The admissions policy and notice are below
Cén fáth go roghnófá Gaelscoil? Seo roinnt cúiseanna!..
Why choose a Gaelscoil? Here are some more reasons...